Compliance and Legal Services

We ensure that your company complies with the existing laws and regulations. We update your company of the legislative changes to avoid fines and penalties.

Statutory compliance services

We understand the importance of being compliant, and the great risk of being indulgent. Our compliance services are designed to ensure that entities (the “entities”) having special licenses issued by the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius are compliant with local and international rules and regulations. One of the most important actors of compliance are employees, and we put a great emphasis on training and capacity building.

Provision of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“MLRO”), Deputy Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“DMLRO”), and a Compliance officer where required

It is important for the entities to be compliant to the legislations in force. We also provide MLRO, DMLRO and Compliance Officer services, for entities which require same. Where fund managers are required, we provide same with the personnel required for them to be able to focus on their core activities with the peace of mind, especially from AML/CFT and regulatory framework perspective, where necessary.

Carrying out regular compliance reviews and producing timely reports

We conduct regular AML status and compliance reviews to assess whether the entities are compliant. We also produce AML risk and compliance reporting for board meetings.

Ensuring the entities’ compliance with licencing guidelines, constitutive documents and local regulations

We monitor outstanding AML due diligence. To ensure the entities are compliant, we test current records against AML regulations and to internal policies and procedures.

Ongoing Customer Due Diligence monitoring and risk profiling

The screening is carried out against the NameScan data file. Risk profiling are also conducted for all investors / client, where a risk weightage is associated to the investors / clients. The risk profiling considers the screening results, investor type and complexity, and the jurisdiction. According to the results of the risk assessment process, we ensure regular due diligence and risk reviews based on the risk rating assigned to the investor.

The Financial Services Commission aims at ensuring that the nature of business of the licensees has not changed since the date of establishment of their businesses. The compliance team can provide clients with the following services to meet this on-going requirement of the Financial Services Commission:

Review and assist with on-boarding and ongoing procedures to ensure compliance with FATCA and CRS

We assist with confirming that your customer on-boarding and on-going procedures are sufficient to ensure compliance with FATCA and CRS. This includes a review of KYC/AML procedures as well as on-boarding forms.

Advice on AML systems, issues and reporting

We review the effectiveness of AML systems and controls and provide advice for compliance. We help you develop and enhance your AML policies and procedures.

Ongoing AML/CFT training

We assist by preparing and/or delivering tailored AML/CFT training and capacity building. The aim is to strengthen knowledge and awareness of the relevant obligations, requirements, rules, procedures and the possible consequences for compliance failures; and of the methods useful for identifying and procedures for reporting ML/FT, red flags, suspicious activities and transactions, and other related risks.